Millicent Li

Millicent Li

I'm a second-year PhD student at Northeastern University where I'm advised by Byron Wallace and work closely with David Bau. Before this, I also spent time at FAIR/Meta AI as an AI Resident, working with Marjan Ghazvininejad and Mike Lewis, and at Microsoft Research, working with Tristan Naumann.

Though I'm still pinning down my exact research interests, broadly, I'm interested in the intersection of natural language processing and human-computer interaction, particularly in domains related to language modeling, intepretability, and the interaction between humans and AI tools. And more recently, I have had some nascent interests in cognitive science and interpretability from the lens of model training. I'm honored to be supported by a (Northeastern) Khoury PhD Fellowship and an NSF GRFP.

Prior to starting my PhD, I was an undergrad at the University of Washington working with Shwetak Patel on ubiquitous computing and Noah Smith on natural language processing.

Links: CV


February 2024

I''ve accepted an internship offer with Microsoft Semantic Machines for the upcoming summer, working with Patrick Xia and Tongfei Chen.

January 2024

Our paper on Function Vectors in Large Language Models was accepted to ICLR 2024!

May 2023

Our paper, Summarizing, Simplifying, and Synthesizing Medical Evidence using GPT-3 (with Varying Success), was accepted to ACL 2023!

April 2022

I was awarded a 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Northeastern wrote an article about it here.

August 2021

Started as an AI Resident with Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) at Meta in Seattle, working on natural language processing and human-computer interaction research for a year.

May 2021

Started my internship at Microsoft Research working with Tristan Naumann on the intersection of natural language processing and healthcare!

April 2021

Excited to announce that I’ll be starting my PhD in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston, fall of 2022. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey thus far!

March 2021

I was awarded an Honorable Mention for the 2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship competition.



  1. Function Vectors in Large Language Models
    Eric Todd, Millicent Li, Arnab Sen Sharma, Aaron Mueller, Byron C Wallace, David Bau
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024


  1. Summarizing, Simplifying, and Synthesizing Medical Evidence using GPT-3 (with Varying Success)
    Chantal Shaib, Millicent L. Li, Sebastian Joseph, Iain Marshall, Junyi Jessy Li, Byron C. Wallace
    Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023


  1. A Review on Language Models as Knowledge Bases
    Badr AlKhamissi*, Millicent Li*, Asli Celikyilmaz^, Mona Diab^, Marjan Ghazvininejad^
    * denotes equal contribution
    ^ denotes equal supervision


  1. Multi-Channel Facial Photoplethysmography Sensing
    Parker S. Ruth, Jerry Cao, Millicent Li, Jacob E. Sunshine, Edward J. Wang, and Shwetak N. Patel
    International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Society (EMBC 2020)